
Tropical Cyclones are a seasonally occurring natural hazard that can cause considerable damage to property and potentially threaten lives. The North West cyclone season extends from the beginning of November through to the end of April each year.

The S.E.S. and Bureau of Meteorology provides information to schools and the community about the potential threat of an approaching cyclone, ensuring sufficient preparations can be made to minimise the impact on our school and to ensure the safety of our students. 

Cyclone Warnings delivered by Department of Fire and Emergency Services:

Cyclone warning


Under Advice the school will usually remain open.

If a Watch and Act is predicted and likely to be declared at some time during the school day the school will not open and children are to remain at home.

If the school is to close, this information will be broadcasted via the following local radio stations.  Emergency information is broadcasted at approximately ¼ past the hour.  The frequency of the updates will depend on the type of cyclone alert.   School closure will be broadcasted between 6.15am and 7.45am.

  • ABC Radio (Official Broadcast)
  • Spirit Radio (Unofficial Broadcast) 

The closure advice will be repeated each morning until the decision to re-open the school is made by the DDG after discussion with the Director of Education for the Pilbara.  Principals will then by notified that a school can reopen.

School buses may be affected at this stage.  Any change to the bus operation will be given on the radio at the above times.

PLEASE DO NOT RING THE SCHOOL.  All information and updated reports relating to the warnings and school closure ARE ISSUED ON THE RADIO.  Please keep yourself informed: ABC Pilbara

Watch and Act

If a Watch and Act is declared during a school day, the following will occur:

  • Watch and Act before 12:00: – students can be picked up immediately from their classroom.  The school will close at lunch time.  Students will not be sent home until collected by, or instructions are received from parents.
  • Watch and Act after 12:00: – students can be picked up immediately from their classroom.  The school will close at the usual time.  Students will not be sent home until instructions are received from parents.
  • Watch and Act after 14:00:  – If a Watch and Act is called at or after 2.00pm schools will generally be closed the following day.  Please continue to listen to the radio to receive information as to when schools will open.

The above does not preclude immediate closure in extenuating circumstances and if deemed necessary by the Cyclone Committee.

Emergency Warning

The School will remain closed during an Emergency Warning

  • In the event that an Emergency Warning is proclaimed after 2.00pm, schools will remain closed the following day.
  • In the event that an Emergency Warning is proclaimed after 2.00pm but subsequently cancelled, the Director of Education in consultation with the Cyclone Committee has the discretion to ensure that schools open the following day.

Following a cyclone

If an Emergency Warning is called after 2.00pm schools will generally be closed the following day to allow for assessment and repair of serious damage.  Please continue to listen to the radio to receive information as to when schools will open.

Staff and students cannot return or enter school grounds until the school has been assessed and meets all safety and health standards.

Please keep yourself informed via the radio, until all threats from the cyclone is past.

Extreme weather

As Karratha is frequently exposed to very hot conditions and occasional cyclonic conditions it is necessary to ensure children’s health and safety by keeping students out of the playground or sporting fields in extreme weather conditions. On the declaration of extreme weather, supervision at break times will be provided indoors. Planned outdoor learning activities, such as Physical Education lessons and daily fitness are to be modified at the discretion of the teacher and may include conducting lessons in the shade or in-doors, or altering the content, time and duration of the lesson. 

Guidelines for activation of extreme weather plan 

  • Forecast and current temperature and humidity
  • Forecast and current persistent and substantial rainfall