Tambrey on Track

Our Tambrey on Track program is developed and facilitated by our Aboriginal Islander Education Officer and is offered to our Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander students in Years 4 through to Year 6. Designed to develop relationships, fitness and a positive self-image through games, activities and engaging with the community, programs are changed across the terms to allow for our Karratha weather.

Term 1: Identity, relationships & art 

Term 2: I-CAN (Indigenous Communities for Activity and Nutrition)

Term 3: Health and fitness

Term 4: Nutrition & life skills

Community relationships and partnerships are used to enhance the program and, through an ongoing relationship between our AIEO and the Indigenous Marathon Foundation, a selection of our Tambrey on Track girls are funded to attend an IMF event in Canberra.

Guest speakers and excursions support the themes explored and the Tambrey on Track girls have worked to develop a logo with a graphic designer, taken part in a community colour run, visited the Stars Foundation at Karratha Senior High School, participated in on-country learning, workshopped with an indigenous author, and continue to work together to proudly represent their culture in our community.

Read all about the I-CAN championships held in Canberra and the Tambrey on Track program from Miss Tash's Annual Report entry for 2023 here.